Saturday, April 21, 2007

Eagles are Nesting in Cedar Run

There are two eagles nesting a top the mountain a straight shot visually from Cedar Run Inn looking toward the creek and up the mountain.

They have been sitting in the nest for the last couple months although no young ones have been spotted. The first picture shows the nest from a distance and the second picture is a zoom shot of it. I would estimate it to be about 3-4 foot in diameter.

The two eagles are often spotted diving into Pine Creek after fish and the occasional duck. It is not a happy place for the ducks to swim when the
eagle swoops in. It is amazing how quickly they see the eagle and dive under the water to avoid a premature death.

It has been two years since the eagles have had a young one so we are all hoping for the best this year. This pair is one of a half a dozen nesting pairs up and down the creek.

Mountain girl, Paula, logging out!


Unknown said...

I have a camp at the top of the hill above you and My brother in law and myself saw a mountain lion above your camp back a quarter mile on the logging trail.

Unknown said...

That was on January 12, 2006